App Brain

by Brain Inteligência Estratégica



Follow the real estate market with Brain.BRAIN, over the last few years, has developed more than 7000 market studies, in approximately 800 cities in 27 Brazilian states, in addition to serving more than 40 entities linked to the real estate market.We are a company attentive to the transformation and evolution of the market and we follow the most contemporary in terms of technology. From now on, we are more connected than ever so that you have the most qualified strategic market intelligence and keep up with industry news.Download the free App and stay on top of the main trends on the national and international real estate market.Here you can find information and content relevant to the segment quickly and easily. We serve the most diverse categories of the sector, such as: civil construction, architecture and urbanism, market intelligence, economics, management and real estate law, finance and investments.Articles authored by industry professionalsRead relevant content aimed at professionals from different areas, aimed at those who need to expand their knowledge and have access to information related to the sector.Ebooks with full contentStudy content with themes that are in vogue on the main themes exclusively on the national and international real estate market.Updated news on the main topics of the real estate marketCatch up on first-hand news about information that presents the latest developments in the real estate market in an accurate, objective and unbiased way. In 2021, data from our surveys/studies and analysis by our experts totaled 462 appearances in media outlets, such as Globo News, Estadão, Valor, Folha de S. Paulo, Correio Braziliense and several others. In January of this year 2022 alone, we have already had 27 media appearances.Podcasts on the main market topicsListen wherever and whenever you want audio content on personalized and exclusive subjects made available on the application platform.Interviews with industry professionalsSee a series of interviews carried out by our team with professionals in the field to obtain knowledge, statements and clarifications for dissemination through Brains communication platforms.Webinars with prominent companiesWatch video-recorded online seminars on the most current and relevant topics, and interact with those responsible for prestigious companies in the real estate market, expressing your doubts and opinions.The Brain App is a content hub with articles, videos, e-books and podcasts, available for free for you to download on your smartphone and access these content with the quality and credibility that Brain offers its consumers.Lets develop Strategic Intelligence together.Lets Brain Together!